Annual meeting of the Association Française de la Recherche sur le Cancer Pancréatique (AFRCP)


Théâtre de Joliette

14 Septembre 2016.

Organisation :

Pr. Louis Buscail, CHU Rangueil/INSERM U1037, Toulouse

Dr. Nicolas Jonckheerre, INSERM UMRS1172, Lille

Dr. Marine Gilabert, INSERM U1068 / IPC, Marseille

Dr. Dominique Lombardo, INSERM UMRS911, Marseille

Dr. Richard Tomasini, INSERM U1068, Marseille


How to register ?

Adhesion to AFRCP fee (50 euros) covers registration to AFRCP annual meeting. So you just need to become a member or pay your membership either through our website or by filling out the 2016 form (click here).

If you need to stay in Marseille the day before the annual meeting or the night of the 14th, please note that a special rate will be applied at the hotel chosen by the CFP. logo CFP Just mention you're participating to CFP annual meeting when booking you room.

Send an abstract for a poster presentation

To have the opportunity to present your latest dat as a poster, please send an abstract to our secretary by June 15th 2016 : Dominique Lombardo, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



10h00-10h30 : Welcoming and coffee.

10h30-11h15 : Conference N°1 : “Typing PDACs“ par Aldo Scarpa (Directeur de l’ARC-Net, Vérone, Italie).

11h15-12h00 : Round table n°1 « Personalized medicine and PDAC » chaired by Nelson Dusetti (CRCM, Marseille) and Corinne Bousquet (CRCT, Toulouse).

12h00-13h15 : Lunch.  

13h15-13h30 : AFRCP annual report (Bilan moral et financier) by Louis Buscail, president of AFRCP (CRCT, Toulouse)

13h30-14h15 : Conférence N°2 : “ Metabolism and PDAC ” by Sophie Vasseur (CRCM, Marseille).

14h15-15h00 : Round table n°2 « Metabolism and PDAC » chaired by Pierre Cordelier (CRCT, Toulouse) and Vinciane Rebours (Beaujon, Paris).

15 h00-15h30 : Coffee break.

15h30-15h45 : "Clinical trials in France (PRODIGE)" by Christelle De La Fouchardière (CLB, Lyon).

15h45-16h30 : Conférence N°3 : « Neoadjuvant treatments » and « borderline tumor» by Jean-Robert Delpero (IPC, Marseille) and Jean-Baptiste Bachet (Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris).

16h30-17h15 : Round table n°3 « PDAC and surgery » chaired by Alain Sauvanet (Beaujon, Paris) and Christophe Louvet (IMM, Paris).

17h15-19h00 : Posters session.

