Dear international community of Pancreatic Cancer researchers

The French Association for Research on Pancreatic Cancer (AFRCP) is pleased to announce the 3rd International Pancreatic Cancer Symposium to be held on October 16-18, 2023 at Domaine du Haut-Carré, Université de Bordeaux, France. 

As for the previous editions, the symposium will bring together researchers and clinicians at the forefront of knowledge of pancreatic cancer. Considering recent state-of-the-art, this event will focus on current and future noteworthy themes in the field. In particular, the following interdisciplinary sessions will be proposed to the international research community: (I) new modalities for PDAC clinical management, (II) identification and targeting of new tumor vulnerabilities, (III) exploration of the primary and the secondary tumor microenvironment, (IV) new modalities and technologies for pancreatic cancer research, with a special round table on PDAC organoïds, (V) PDAC prevention and early disease. A final session (VI) will be centered on the involvement of the patients in research design.

More info here

The AFRCP bureau members, and the local organizing comity.
