Dear friends

The French Association for Research on Pancreatic Cancer (AFRCP) is pleased to announce the next annual scientific day to be held on Friday October 21, 2022 at Beaujon Hospital (Clichy). As in previous years, this scientific meeting highlights our young scientists and clinicians, preparing Master's, Doctorates or Post-Doctorates, by giving them the opportunity to present their work in the form of a synthetic oral presentation in English. 

This will also be the occasion for the two winners of the 2021 call for projects "Doctoral and research seed funds", Julie AUWERCX (LPCM, Amiens) and Claire VARGAS (CRCT, Toulouse) and the winner of the call for projects 2021 "Master 2 research scholarship", Dr. Jean PINSON (IRON, Rouen), to present the progress of their work.

Two conferences of renowed senior scientists will be given by Dr. Corinne BOUSQUET  "Cancer-associated fibroblast heterogeneity and signaling underlying pancreatic cancer aggressiveness" (CRCT, Toulouse) and Pr. Sebastian KOBOLD "Engineering T cells for enhanced access to pancreatic cancer tissue" (Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich).

The program is here.

The deadline for abstract submission (1 page max.), is September 30, 2022 emailed to the secretary, Fabienne GUILLAUMOND: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The registration fee is 60€ covering the membership for the current year.

The registration form can be sent to the Treasurer of the AFRCP, Sophie VASSEUR, by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or by mail (CRCM, U1068, Bat TPR2, Campus de Luminy, 163 Avenue de Luminy, Case 915, 13288 Marseille Cedex 9).

Payment for your membership can be made:

- by check payable to the AFRCP and addressed to the Treasurer

- by credit card via the following link:


