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L'AFRCP is a partner of the patients association Espoir Pancréas. Visit them here

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Current data suggest that pancreatic cancer will be the second cause of death by cancer by 2030 if no real progress is made for its cure. With a very dark prognosis, pancreatic cancer is a real challenge for public health. Thus, it has become urgent to find new therapeutic ways for this life threatening disease. To favor new findings in screening healthy population, diagnosis and treatment, French researchers, physicians and surgeons have decided to gather into an association. L’Association Française pour la Recherche sur le Cancer du Pancréas -AFRCP- is under the French « loi 1901 » status. It’s been created by both fondamental researchers and clinicians. It is aimed at promoting French research projects for international audience and to merge scientific and clinical strength, within France, to obtain funding needed to improve translational research and pre-clinical approaches.


CHU Rangueil et Oncopole/INSERM U1037

AFRCP President
